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Bonheur du jour (à la coque à l'amour).

(smile inside)

Selon une étude trés sérieuse du BMJ, le bonheur serait une maladie contagieuse et le sourire en serait le vecteur principal.

"Results Clusters of happy and unhappy people are visible in the network, and the relationship between people’s happiness extends up to three degrees of separation (for example, to the friends of one’s friends’ friends). People who are surrounded by many happy people and those who are central in the network are more likely to become happy in the future. Longitudinal statistical models suggest that clusters of happiness result from the spread of happiness and not just a tendency for people to associate with similar individuals. A friend who lives within a mile (about 1.6 km) and who becomes happy increases the probability that a person is happy by 25% (95% confidence interval 1% to 57%). Similar effects are seen in coresident spouses (8%, 0.2% to 16%), siblings who live within a mile (14%, 1% to 28%), and next door neighbours (34%, 7% to 70%). Effects are not seen between coworkers. The effect decays with time and with geographical separation.

Conclusions People’s happiness depends on the happiness of others with whom they are connected. This provides further justification for seeing happiness, like health, as a collective phenomenon. "

Bloguer avec des blogueurs heureux rendrait-il  ...plus heureux?

Face au murs  des lamentations des ego-pleureurs , dressons un mur  des sourires !
Si toi aussi lecteur qui passe tu souris , envoie-nous ton sourire et on l'affichera.
(et même toi qui souris de l'intérieur !)

Mamz'Elle le 18.12.08 à 06:26 dans On the sunny side of the street - Version imprimable
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